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Rising 6th Grade Information

Welcome to Five Forks Middle School!

Pleased check back for updated information and dates for all of our Rising 6th graders.

1. Welcome to FFMS

Parent Info
Click the link below for information about our upcoming Rising 6th Grader Parent Meeting.  
Below is a glimpse into the world of a 6th Grader's life here at FFMS.  

2. Welcome Letter

Welcome to 6th grade

Click the image above, or the link below, to read a welcome letter from our 6th grade Assistant Principal, Onika St. James.
24-25 Welcome Letter


3. Fine Arts at FFMS

Fine Arts at FFMS
View the Fine Arts Flyer for information related to our upcoming Instrument Selection Night on 
Click on links below for more information on how your child can participate in Band, Chorus, or Orchestra at FFMS!
We will be placing students on instruments in August. Take some time today to get an idea of which instrument you might want to play.  Click on the link below to learn how!
Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion Instrument Introductions Performed by US Army Field Band Members
Instruments Offered for Beginning Orchestra
Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass
Instruments Offered for Beginning Band
Woodwinds - Flute, Clarinet and Alto and Tenor Saxophone (Oboe, Bassoon, Baritone Saxophone students will be selected at a later time) 
Brass - Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium (also called Baritone) and Tuba
Percussion - Snare Drum and Bells
Students are to complete the Beginning Band Assessment, select the top 3 instruments they are interested in learning, fill out and return the Beginning Band Form on Monday. There will be an opportunity for the student to "try out" the instrument(s) to ensure success on their top choices. The instrument selected may not be the student's top choice due to instrumentation needs of the program and individual factors determining a better chance for success on that instrument. The instruments that are recommended for your student will be ranked in order of "success" indicators such as easily making a sound on the mouthpiece, following directions, etc.

Get Connected

Get Connected with FFMS Action by following Bucky Connects on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  




4. FFMS Clinic Info

FFMS Clinic Info

Welcome to Five Forks Middle School! We would like to help you get your year off to a great start with the most up-to-date information regarding our Clinic policies. Click the image above for information from the FFMS Clinc or click the link below. 
24-25 Clinc Flyer

5. Connections Classes at FFMS

Connections Classes

For a complete list of the Connections classes offered at Five Forks follow the link below. 
(Connections classes are formerly known as Specials at the Elementary level)

24-25 FFMS Connections Classes
Connections Teachers

6. Clubs and Activities at FFMS


Here’s a list of some of the clubs and activities offered at Five Forks. While some of these may only be available to 7th and 8th graders, this list will give you an idea of all the opportunities awaiting your child in middle school! Specific descriptions, meeting dates, and times will be determined at the beginning of the school year. There’s something for everyone at Five Forks!  Follow the link below to view a complete list of the Clubs and Activities offered at Five Forks Middle School.
FFMS Clubs and Activities

7. Counseling Department

8. Summer Fest

Summer Fest

Follow the link below to access our 2024-2025 Summer Fest Flyer and Application. (coming soon)

Summer Fest:  TBD

My PaymentsPlus

MyPaymentsPlus provides an easy-to-use, efficient way to make payments quickly and securely anytime using a simple Internet connection. You can say goodbye to the hassles of sending in multiple checks to multiple locations for multiple students. It can all be done with one payment on MyPaymentsPlus. MyPaymentsPlus also allows the ability to receive free low balance emails.

My Payments Plus